FOR THE HORDE!!!!! wait...no...

Age 35, Male

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Ridiculous Things That Start With Letters....2!!!!

Posted by LeafLock - October 20th, 2009

Yes, I did another one of these. Shut up. I was bored.

Alcatraz. You could hold murderers and rapists, arsonists and thieves. But no one can hold Sean Connery.

Brazil. The only country awesome enough to have it's own nut.

Card games/tricks. The sad, sad result of a man spending too much time alone. "Go fish" just doesn't cut it flying solo.

Danger. My middle name. (ok, my middle name is Shamus, but I like to think that it COULD be danger...)

Electrocution. Because the lightning bolt symbol on the breaker box does NOT mean "super speed available here".

Fandango. The name of the country I plan to found.

Google. Slowly maneuvering into global takeover position. It's going to happen.

Harry Potter. (/sigh)

Isotopes. Dropping this word in conversation automatically adds ten gold stars to whatever you say. Don't argue.

Jason Statham. You talk like you're British, and you shoot like you're American. The Human Crossover.

Karma. White people, beware.

Lasers. Tasty beams of light capable of making cats run headlong into walls. Truly mankind's greatest achievement...except for maybe bacon...and potatoes...

Marijuana. See this article. http://www.time.com/time/nation/articl e/...21,00.html

Nutmeg. A human sleeping drug. Big Grin

Orangutans. The ginger kids of the animal kingdom.

Pumpkin Pie. Pretty much the most delicious thing in existence. You don't like it? Get the fuck off my planet.

Quarters. In particular, United States "State Quarters". WTF? They were nifty at first, and i can let a Washington DC quarter slide, but quarters for Porto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam? I don't think so guys.

Raccoons. The fucking Ocean's Eleven crew of the animal kingdom (leave my god damn trash alone). Too cool for orangutans.

Shillelagh. An Irish beating stick. I made one. It's spiffy.

Tornadoes. Natural Disaster, or Herd Thinner? (You be the judge.)

Ultra Violet tattoos. They're shiny, they glow in the dark, but they will never be as cool as face paint.

Vroom-vroom. Winner of the coveted "kid's sound effect of the year award."

Warlocks. Magical necrophiliacs. We're all fucked now.

X-rays. Remember holding a flashlight behind your hand as a kid so you could see your veins and bones? It's like that, but with the added bonus of lead underwear.

Yetis. Big furry homeless people of the Himalayas. They're not out to eat the villagers, they just want some god damn change.

Zombies. Like it or not, they ARE (or were) people. And holy shit is there no greater excuse to blow out the brains of the asshole who used to taunt you unrelentingly in freshman year, than when he is trying to eat your face? I think not.

Ridiculous Things That Start With Letters....2!!!!


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