Ok, I recently saw something on the History channel which really caught my attention. In 2012 a french satellite called KEO (k,e, and o being the most commonly used sounds in human language) will be launched into space where it will enter a deep space orbit of the solar system for 50,000 years (it was originally scheduled for launch in 2006, but got pushed back). The satellite will contain a few things, including a large artificial diamond containing samples of air, earth, water (the three basic life sustaining elements) and a drop of human blood, as well as an encyclopedia of sorts, documenting the current state of the world, along with primers for several of earth's current languages. But most importantly, the satellite will contain 100 DVDs, on which will be placed greetings of sorts from people all over the globe. Everyone is invited to write their own message, up to 6000 characters long, containing whatever sentiments of life the authors wish to contribute. Also included will be detailed instructions on how to build a DVD player from scratch. Once the satellite is launched, the letters will be published uncensored(after being made anonymous) for the public to read and catch glimpses of the thoughts of others from around the world. The intent here being to allow humanity to reconnect with each other. Now, the chances of humanity still being around in another 50,000 years is slim, and there is of course all sorts of ways the satellite could be destroyed or bumped off course in that time, but on the slim chance that all goes according to plan, I think it's a really cool idea. I've read some samples of the greetings, and they're strangely compelling. I think everyone should be a part of this, just as a sort of legacy of humanity. The deadline is currently December of this year. I'll link the site below. And don't think you necessarily have to be Aristotle or something, just write what you feel about life. Below are some entries already in the database.
"... I'll tell you how to make hamburgers. You need:
1 pound ground lean beef
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
4 tomato slices (if you like them)..."
Joshua, 10 years, Canada
"... I also think my Dad is very very important because he's my parent and he means a lot t o me. I wouldn't be able to tie my shoes if I didn't have him because he taught me how to tie my shoes. My Dad also taught me how to wink, swim, fish and canoe.
I think my Mom is very very important too, because, she gave birth to me. She taught me how to walk and talk, use computers, numbers, sing, write, and to read. I think my Mom is the best mom in the world..."
Scott, 9 years, Canada
« ...I wish to have this letter included in your project as a remembrance to my daughter who was killed on 18 December 1998, she was 21 years old. Your project will let me do the one thing for her that I could not have done on my own; to write her name in the annals of history so future generations will also know her. This way she may live on not only in my heart but in history.
...There is a terrible sadness to our life together because I have been in prison since she was 9 years old. I was not able to watch her grow up like other fathers and we could not share our lives together but nonetheless I loved her and she loved me.
...My daughter's life ended all too quickly and now I live alone in a world filled with people. I will be out in a couple of years and I can finally visit her graveside and truly accept the fact that she is gone from me forever... »
John, prisoner, USA
Really, it's just whatever you want to say.
http://www.keo.org/uk/pages/message.ph p
Viva la revolution!!
...wait, no, I'm late
but not too late to leave a message for the awesome satelite!
also viva!